On Knowledge 4 Power.com, we believe that engaging in thought provoking, intellectual, and respectful conversations about the issues of life is crucial for human understanding and breaking down walls of racial division.
Our video podcasts, hosted by Terry Banks, along with podcasts we share on our website from outside podcasters, are designed to provoke respectiful, intellectual and meaningful discussions on a wide range of topics. Each episode aims to illuminate different perspectives, and foster a sense of understanding and connection among guests, listeners and viewers. We strive to create and share content that resonates with all ages, who are passionate about seeking knowledge about the world around them.
Knowledge 4 Power.com wants to create an intellectual community where collective intellectual dialogue can flourish among every culture. There is content here for everyone. We invite you to dive into the content and participate in the podcast discussions. Share your thoughts with the world, and be a part of a movement that values human rights, supports social justice issues, and rejects all divisive ideologies. We reject racism, we reject hate, we reject predjudice on this platform. We welcome mutual respect. We welcome understanding. We welcome collaboration. We welcome the knowledge seekers. Welcome to our platfrom, KNOWLEDGE 4 POWER.COM
If you have any questions or want to learn more about my mission, I’d love to hear from you! Whether you're interested in collaborating, have topic suggestions, or simply want to connect, reach out and join me on this journey to spread knowledge and inspire change.